So I invited one of my friends which i'm not that close to but i know she would get mad if i didn't invite her. Anyway she is brining two family members with her! I'm paying 50 dollars a chair! I'm not going to spend 100 dollars on people i don't even know!!! How do I politely tell her not to bring her aunt and mother to my wedding?
How do I politely tell someone not to invite other people to my wedding?
Explain to her that her chair is paid for and it fit into your budget, but an extra two will not. It wasn't up to her to invite someone to your wedding in the first place, so don't feel bad about telling her that the two guests are not invited. This is your day and no one should spoil it for you.... Good Luck..
Reply:Tell them that they will have to pay for themselves. No, just kiddin. Tell her you already invited too many gusts and that you cant really aford to pay more money.Or you can tell her it is for the closest friends only (only if there are actually little number of people at the wedding). Tell her you've already planned everything and that you've already seted up a sitting plan,told to waitors how many people will be there exactly and that they already prepared everything and that if you bring them that you will have to cancle the wedding for 2 weeks cause you have to plan everything again and that kind of stuff.Or Tell her that you need to pay 200 $ per guest(lie). I wonder what will happen if she founds out about this question.
Reply:Typically, it is understood that one invited person will bring a companion, date, escort, etc. So you'll have to call her up and explain that the invitation was for her only, and she is limited to bringing only one other guest (otherwise you would have invited the family under the family name, and assume a married couple would tell you whether the children will come with them).
If she thinks it's no big deal, explain the affair has a price tag attached and your budget is already stretched, so unfortunately you must insist she choose.
If she STILL doesn't get the hint, suggest she contribute the cost of the extra chair and plate in lieu of a gift from your registry.
Be polite, and smile as you talk to her, even as you want to rip her head off. Some people just don't know when they're being rude.
Reply:Well did you send your invitations or did you verbally invite her?If you gave her an invitations it should just say one meaning her not her plus one or two! I think you should tell her, you should tell her that you had to cut a lot of people off your wedding list due to cost and please don't bring any extra people because it will be very embarrassing for them not to have a seat at a table.
Or you could just tell her the truth make sure she understands it is because of the cost. I was originally invited to a friends wedding a couple of years ago, I knew this girl since we were five! At the last minute she had to cut me off her list because of cost, I understood so hopefully she will be understanding too.
Reply:Kindly write a note on your wedding invitations, saying that all guests are not allowed to invite other uninvited guests to the wedding. I understand that you are on a tight budget for your wedding, and the feast might be very expensive too. If she asks you, I hope that she will understand the circumstances you are in. Anyway, you should enjoy your wedding, as it is the best and most important day of your life. I wish you and your husband a peaceful and happy marriage.
Reply:you politely say that you are on a limited budget. berhaps you can go out together before the wedding. also ask her if she knows anyone at the wedding. that might be why she is bringing her aunt and mother. if not, say why dont you bring another freidn and ask her politely to pay the 50 for her friend if this is the case.
Reply:Just say, "Hey, I want this to be a really personal thing w/ people I'm close to, if you don't mind could it just be you?" If she wants to be a turd about it, then just tell her that you don't have the money for her aunt and mom and if she can't attend w/o them, then not to attend at all. You may have to be blunt if she gets all offended. Good luck!
Reply:Tell her that it is RSVP only, and you were not aware that she would be bringing her mom and her aunt with her to the wedding. You already paid for her chair at the wedding, and it is too late to pay for another one.
And don't feel too bad about it. It's SOOOO rude to just invite people to someone's wedding!!!! I think that's the rudest thing EVER. So, just think about that. It was rude of your friend to do that in the first place.
Reply:My invitations said dinner was by invitation ONLY And i still had people bring crashers with them.... and guess what.... i had people at the door That worked there and made sure people I didn't invite to my dinner didn't get in so they had to leave.
I know that sounds rude but o well. I don't care to pay 50 buck a plate for an extra 10 people that just decided to come to my wedding without an invite I think its extremely rude!
Reply:Definatly tell her! I wouldn't recomend univiting her though because that is rude on YOUR PART and extremlly tacky. If you tell her and people you don't know still show up treat them like wedding crashers because thats what they are and tell them they will have to leave bacuase you did not invite them and do not know them. Congratulations on your wedding too.
Reply:Tell her that you are paying by chair and that her family is welcome at the ceremony, but if they wish to stay for the reception they will have to pay for their own dinner. If she doesn't understand that, then you're probably better off not having her there anyway.
Reply:You tell her (WHY did you invite her anyway?) that you have a limit and she either comes by herself or not at all, you only have so much room. (No need to go into detail about the cost, and she had a helluva nerve to bring 2 other people without at least asking you.)
Reply:if you aren't that close to her i wouldn't worry too much about being extremely polite. no need to be rude but i wouldn't sugar coat anything. just tell her that you have a budget and are paying $50 a plate and cannot afford to pay for her extra guests. if she does not feel that she can come without these people than she will be missed.
Reply:just tell her you are limited as to the number you can invite and she will not be able to bring anyone else. I personally wouldn't have invited someone that I expected to come alone, either don't invite at all or invite them plus one guest.
Reply:It is perfectly polite to just tell her that you are only inviting people close to you and that your list is full. Your friend is being rude by insisting that her family comes. Be polite and smile and hopefully your friend will understand!
Reply:Screw polite, it's your wedding not hers. Tell her that you don't have seating available for any additional guests beyond what you yourself invited. If she has a problem, she doesn't need to come either.
Reply:well you can say,"Excuse me its my wedding and i get to pick the people i want to pick so thank you?!"
Reply:It is impolite to invite just one person, you should always make room for the person you want to invite and one guest. If you could not afford to invite her plus one guest, then you should not have invited her.
1) Too many people are coming, I'm sorry.
2) I don't really know you so I am not willing to spend 100 dollars.
3) I can't afford it right now with everything else thats happening.
Reply:It's perfectly polite to tell them you can't accommodate extra people. But you don't need get into specific reasons, especially if they have to do with money.
Reply:Tell her that she can't bring her family along because there were people you wanted to invite but couldn't because of space and costs, which would therefore make it unfair to them if people you hardly even know come.
Reply:Bring your own chairs?
Idk lol..
Try telling them your list is almost full and don't have enough space for 2 more people..
(Lie a bit.)
Reply:Tell her that you are sending out invitations and the names on the invitations are the only ones invited because you are on a budget.
Reply:Be honest. Say, I'm sorry, I really wanted you to be there, but we have a small guest list and I can't accomadate extra people...
If you aren't honest then she's going to bring them.
Reply:Just tell then to please not invite other people because you want to keep it small and only have your CLOSEST friends and family maybe?
Reply:Just Tell her Nicely I have to Pay 50$ per chair and I don't want to pay 100 extra $. And if she gets mad that's her problem It's YOUR wedding NOT HERS!!
Reply:Tell her its one person per invitation and explain the situation with the $50 per chair.
Reply:Keep it simple! Elope or go to justice of the peace. Then you'll be calling the shots. Otherwise your wedding will be like a three ring circus.
Reply:Wow...your friend has no social graces does she? I would have said to her that space is limited and the invitation was for her only.
Reply:People who are invited should return a gift, Especially to the Bride and Groom....
Reply:dont tell her directly.
just like give her hints
like for example just be like crap we dont have enough chairs or somthing
be like im really sorry*insert name* but your mother and aunt cant come
jewish name
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