
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Who do we invite to our joint bridal shower?

My sister and I are both getting married this year. We are having a joint bridal shower hosted by my aunt. We aren't sure who to invite.

First of all, do we invite guests who are out of town or just the ones who live in the area of where the shower will be held?

Second, should we only invite those who are on both of our guest lists? Some of our family friends are closer to her than they are to me, so some people know both of us but are only invited to one wedding. Should we not invite them?

We don't want to be tacky!
Who do we invite to our joint bridal shower?
Are you throwing it yourself? cause that is tacky. lol

If your aunt is doing everything then SHE is inviting these people.

You each make a guest list and that's it. You shouldn't exclude your friend because she didn't want to invite her and vice versa.

However, do not invite anyone who is not invited to either wedding.

Out of town guests get an invite too. I have gone to MANY out of town showers. If they can't come they'll say 'no' and that's fine.

For friends and family invite to BOTH weddings send out an invite saying "joint bridal shower". Then the people who are attending yours and not hers will get an invite for you alone, and those attending hers and not not yours will get an invite with her name only. That way they don't worry about 2 gifts.
Reply:I'd invited both out of town and those who live in the area.

As for the guest list, I see what you mean. If I was invited to your shower and the invite said joint shower I'd be confused if I'd have to buy a gift for both of you even though I'm only close to one. What about sending separate invites. Those people only invited to your sister's wedding get an invite for her shower and same with you. Then those people who would be on both lists get a joint shower invite.
Reply:If people are being invited to only one wedding, maybe you can say on their shower invite that it is a shower for that girl and not mention that it's a joint bridal shower. If they don't know in advance that there's a joint bridal shower, then they won't feel obligated to buy gifts for both of you.
Reply:First you don't want to invite out of towner. They'll just think you want an extra gift because you know they can't come. Then both of you invite whoever you would have if it was a seperate one. Those who only know one of you will bring the gift for you. Those that know both of you will bring 1 for each. The ones that aren't close will think your reception is a smaller sized one. No big deal
Reply:family and your friends

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