
Monday, October 12, 2009

Should I invite them to the ceremony or just the reception?

My sons father is still in his life, but is not the man I'm marrying. I'm still very close to his parents, grandparents and aunts however. I'm getting married May or June and am going to invite them. I don't want offend them though, or make them feel uncomfortable. Should I just invite them to the reception?
Should I invite them to the ceremony or just the reception?
If you're still close with them, ask what they think. Tell them you'd like to extend the invitation, but you'd understand if they found it uncomfortable. Just tell them what they mean to you and they would be welcome guests for either or both parts of your wedding.
Reply:Whoever you invite to the ceremony must be invited to the reception and vice versa.
Reply:Invite them to both just like normal and tell them if they dont want to come to the ceremony it wont hurt your feelings.
Reply:Just invite them. In they think it makes them uncomfortable then they don't have to go. It's always best to invite them when your on the fence about invitations. By the way you described it, it would be rude not to invite them.
Reply:sweetie if you are close to the family then i think they would be happy to attend your wedding and your reception. why not go visit and tell them you would like to have them at the wedding but if they choose not to attend you will understand. that will make it more personal than an invitation in the mail and show them that you would like to have them with you on your wedding day. they are going to be in your life for many years to come so it makes sense to include them - after all they are your son's family and his life will be so much sweeter if everyone loves everyone and gets along. good luck to you and happy wedding!
Reply:Adrienne offered a great answer with one exception, the father. Make sure his parents inform him that they are going if they want to. Be realistic however You will have some drama if you have your ex's family and the new hubby's family - it just happens. I watched a great wedding get a little ugly when two 65 year old aunts got into it over the old and new hubby. For one hubby's family, it is failure.... for the other it is territory acquisition. Perhaps the old family should just go to the wedding and not the reception. That first dance will be tough on them. Congratulations on your nuptials.
Reply:This really depends more on their personalities and how they view you being married to someone not their son. If they like you and want to be there for you, invite them to both, or just to the reception if space at the ceremony is limited.

(You can't invite someone to the ceremony and not invite them to the reception, though - the reception is partly meant to thank your guests for attending the ceremony!)

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