
Monday, October 12, 2009

Do you think Hillary should invite people to stay in her house overnight to pay off her debt?

It worked when she and Bill were in the White House? Personally, Hillary is just a loser, and I just wanted to give everybody a chance to tell a joke for an answer. Take it light. She is still an idiot to me.
Do you think Hillary should invite people to stay in her house overnight to pay off her debt?
Who in their right mind would stay there? With handsy Bill around. They both make my skin crawl.
Reply:Personally, I think Hillary should tell Obama and the DNC to go straight to H_ll and publicly say she's sick of the attacks from her own party and Obama fanatics. Then announce an indepedent run for president. She'd immediately get enough donations to pay her debts and pass both McCain and Obama in the polls. If Obama and his supporters hate Clinton so much and are so bitter, then maybe it would be best if she and her supporters simply come out in opposition of them.
Reply:Either that or Bill could call in all of the interns and pay off her debt that way

Vote McCain in 08
Reply:It might be one way to get the stuff Hillary and Bill looted from the White House
Reply:I agree that she and her husband didn't do the right things when in the white house and disgraced us.
Reply:Bed and Breakfast at the Clintons..

Imagine if she was President..

Reply:I wouldnt trust sleeping in the same house with Bill...

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