I understand that opening bars to serve drinks during the inauguration is good for Washington DC businesses but is this risking many, many more problems for law enforcement, secret service, the politico attending, the media and the public at large?
Does the open bar policy invite more problems for DC police and secret service?
Maybe it is safer to have people in bars, watching the goings-on via television, rather than carrying cases of beer in the trunks of their cars and whisky flasks in their jacket pockets. A lot of people are going to drink no matter what, or how. I used to be one of them. I wore a suit and carried a pint around in the inside pocket.
Reply:I think it irresponsible and childish to think the only way to celebrate is by boozing it up..WHO ever thought that that would be a wise decision should be taken out of their perspective position.. is this just the first of many Decisions that is considered a benefit to the American people as a hole... are we not already stretched to the limit on our resources for our Law enforcement .come on you don't have to be a collage graduate to see what kind of distruction this could actually cause they are already having high crime in that area because of alcohol and drug use so why in the WORLD would this even cross any kind of individuals mind in power that this would be a good Idea?. has history NOT proved that over indulgence in alcoholic activity creates chaos harm distruction and death.
Look I think if someone can drink in a responsable fasion so be it but is it responsable to booze it up untill 5 in the morning?
Wow!! Let the proficy begin ..seek to trick steal and destroy ..and it begins.
Pray my freinds.
Now, Kristopher Baumann, the chairman of the fraternal order of police, is urging Mayor Adrian Fenty to veto the council's legislation -- saying the city's 4,100 officers simply cannot handle two extra hours of drinking, and perhaps more than a million extra people.
"We don't need to go out and get drunk just because we have a new president coming in," Baumann said. "Instead of having dollar signs in our eyes about the revenue grab here, let's be responsible," he added. "Let's make everybody proud of D.C. and let's do it in an adult and professional way."
oh and the metro isn't having extended hours..(yet).. you think they would of at least corragated the extended boozing hours with the public transportation system.. you know keep them of the streets.
(no this is no where near an argument for prohibiton)
Reply:Big government needs to get out of the business of dictating the time of day that alcoholic beverages can be legally sold or the hours when private businesses can be open.
Found NFL book with cross reference of names of officials and their numbers. Didn't say why they wore numbers.
Reply:very stupid idea
they are leaving bars open until 5 am the morning before.
Just what DC needs a bunch of drunks and people hungover to add to the criminal element of that pathetic city.
Reply:You could make the same argument about bars being open at any time, hence prohibition.
Reply:Especially during a Democrat Inauguration.
Reply:i wouldn't go within 20 miles of the district on inauguration day. it will be insane.
Reply:WOW ! This is the first law struct down for Pres -elect Obama.
scientific name
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