
Monday, October 12, 2009

When is Obama going to invite those "moderate Taliban" to review what is acceptable to them in interrogation?

Why not invite them over, Obama is releasing the interrogation papers for political gain, by the way, I personally could care less what they do to TERRORISTS if it SAVES ONE AMERICAN LIFE.

Disagree if you will, only proves your loyalty to Obama at all costs, and American LIVES.
When is Obama going to invite those "moderate Taliban" to review what is acceptable to them in interrogation?
Obama calling them "moderate Taliban" is an oxymoron stated by a moron.
Reply:When are you going to take a logic class?

"When is Obama going to invite those "moderate Taliban" to review what is acceptable to them in interrogation?" - association fallacy (you're putting two distinct events together with no connection)

"Why not invite them over" - reductio ad absurdum

"Obama is releasing the interrogation papers for political gain" - assumption

"Disagree if you will, only proves your loyalty to Obama at all costs" - false dilemma fallacy (if you're not with me, you're against me)
Reply:Why does Obama want to give TERRORISTS civil rights? I'm sure Osama Bin Laden is happy.

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